The summer went by way too fast, but that’s pretty typical for anyone in education. I have been remiss in keeping this site update, but in my defense I was not home much over the summer and things have been very busy! I received my promotion to full professor back in May and then went […]
Savannah Sunrise

I was down in Savannah at the beginning of April and woke up in time to grab this shot of the sun coming up over the ocean, located about 15 miles from downtown Savannah. What a fantastic city, full of history, culture, art, and plenty of beauty. Seeing it from the air provided a different […]
Spring is here

Warm weather, thunderstorms, and pollen all mark the beginning of spring. I have a decent commute between Athens and Milledgeville but it takes me through some beautiful countryside, so I keep my drone in the trunk of my car in case a photo presents itself. A few weeks ago, I saw some dark clouds forming […]
Book presentation

A few weeks ago I presented my digital textbook to the Georgia DNR Board of Directors up in Atlanta. It was very well-received and they will do a press release once it is available on the Apple Bookstore, which should be in the coming weeks. It has been a long time coming, but the final […]
Digital Textbook is Almost Done

My digital textbook is nearing completion, and I will be presenting it to the Georgia DNR at the end of the month. If all goes well, it will be uploaded to the Apple Bookstore at the end of this month and hopefully be available for download soon after. I will post up a link once […]
Georgia College

Last week I was about to head home when I noticed the skies were very dramatic, the clouds were reflecting the light of the setting sun and it had all of the makings of a great sunset. I was fortunate to grab this shot before the clouds rolled in and blocked the sun as it […]
Keeping Busy

The spring semester is off to a good beginning and classes are all moving full steam ahead. I’ve got a busy week coming up, starting with a guest lecture for three different courses and then an iPad training session at Baldwin High School. MyAthens, which is the de facto social media account for all things […]
Spring Semester

Hard to believe my sabbatical is coming to an end and the spring semester is about to begin. It was a very rewarding break from my usual responsibilities as a professor, and it allowed me to really connect with something I am passionate about: multimedia. I took thousands of photos, shot hours of video, and […]
Aerial Video

I am winding down all of my visits for my state park digital textbook, and I have shot a LOT of footage all over this beautiful state. I put together a video with some of the highlights that I have embedded below. I have another version that I did for the state of Georgia that […]
Sunset in the Mountains

On the way to watch Tennessee beat Florida for the first time in 11 years (Hallelujah!) we drove up through the N. Georgia mountains into North Carolina. We were treated to a fantastic sunset just outside of Clayton, so I had to pull over and capture the moment. I love the beach, but I LOVE […]