Welcome to EDIT 3220, a class devoted to providing ideas and training on how to use technology in the K-12 classroom. You might want to bookmark this page, as it will be continuously updated with new information on assignments, as well as technology, throughout the semester. The course will be paperless so all content that you need to complete your projects will be posted on this page.
Course Syllabus
– You will use Livetext as well as your Google Drive account in this course. Make sure you have access to both and know your usernames/passwords
Proposed Schedule:
Jan 15 | Class introductions, basic tech, social media |
Jan 22 | Searches, social media, iPad basics |
Jan 29 | Padlet on Laws |
Feb 5 | Using Book Creator (field-based) |
Feb 12 | Professional website creation, design |
Feb 19 | Using Electronic Whiteboards |
Feb 26 | Teaching demonstration with whiteboard |
March 5 | Google certification |
March 12 | Explain Everything |
March 19 | Spring Break |
March 26 | Online Class |
April 2 | The best online resources |
April 9 | How to produce and edit digital video |
April 16 | Editing session for videos |
April 23 | Wrap up websites |
April 30 | TBD |
Professional Website
You can use this website as a model for your project
This might be the most useful project you do in the course. When you are finished, you will have created a website that showcases you as a teacher. You will be creating your website using the excellent free service Wix.com.
If you want a custom domain (for instance, www.drchrisgreer.com) then you can register one here and point it to your website.
Your website needs to be, at the very minimum, 7 pages and contain content related to:
1) what you teach
2) your philosophy
3) examples of your work (technology and other), embed your technology projects on a dedicated page for greater visibility
4) your overall experience
5) a link to your resume
6) lots of your own images
If you want to ensure a solid grade for this project, you should go above and beyond these minimum guidelines.
You can also showcase any research, presentations, work experience, or a variety of other topics.
This website will be due on our last day of class. It is important that you don’t wait until a few weeks before to finish it, as it will take a while to gather the needed materials to complete it.
Book Creator Assignment
You need to create an 8-10 page book on something that can be found in the Milledgeville area. It could be a location that has a historic or ecological element. It could involve how math is used on a daily basis. It could look at a person or place that is uniquely important to the area. The book must include:
- 8-10 pages, minimum
- A video that is 1-2 minutes in length
- Photographs that you take with your phone or iPad
- Supplementary photos that you find online
- Text that you have written. Do not copy and paste from anywhere
- A pleasing layout using fonts, images, and shapes that are available in Book Creator
This book is due two weeks from now in Livetext. Pay close attention to the rubric in Livetext as you create your project, it can guide you as far as what to focus on.
Electronic Whiteboard
For this project you will use the whiteboard to teach a lesson to the class. You will need to form groups of 4 students and plan about 10 minutes of instruction to deliver to the class. The instruction should be on something related to your content area, and you need to take full advantage of the whiteboard’s functionality. This includes interactive exercises that get students up to the board and engage them in the lesson. You can have questions, writing exercises, integrated video, and links to external websites. The more functionality you utilize, the stronger your grade will be. Be creative with your layouts and make sure to utilize plenty of colors and images throughout the presentation. There is a rubric available on Livetext that you can reference when creating your project.
Lumio is the online version of Smart Notebook that is free to use
Google Educator
Google Educator Level 1 (test costs $10 to take)
Do the training and then take the test
This certification will 1) prepare you for technology integration in your classroom and 2) help you stand out when applying for a teaching position.
If you have not been asked to do the Apple Teacher certification in another one of your classes, it is also an option for this assignment.
You need to complete the certification and upload proof of it to the assignment in Livetext no later than April 23rd.
Laws Teachers Should Know:
Classroom activity:
You all will be building a concept map and there can be no more than 4 individuals in each group. You will be using Padlet to do this. You will build your concept map on the laws that all teachers need to be aware of: CIPA, COPPA, FERPA, and Fair Use of Copyright. Each group member must work and develop the concept map. The finished map needs to be extensive and cover the laws sufficiently.
- begin with a main title
- break it down into the subtopics that are all related to the main subject
- break those down further into detailed examples and media
- you must include images, video, and links
- Each law needs to include an example of something that could happen in a classroom to violate the law (this shows you understand how they can apply to you)
- overall there should be roughly 25 elements (or more) on the completed concept map
Hardware and Software
Using search engines activity
Download free software to prevent viruses
Do not fall for phishing scams. They can be very clever and many people cannot tell the difference.
Google is a powerful search engine, but many people don’t know some of the advanced ways it can be used. Try to answer these questions:
- Find PDF files that can be helpful resources as you put together a lesson on the structure and function of cells in the human body.
- You are looking to get a new digital assistant for your home, but you know you don’t want an Alexa. How might you do this research?
- How many times is my last name mentioned on the Georgia College website?
- Find some of the critics’ reviews of Stranger Things during previous seasons, but without worrying about coming across a spoiler from the current season.
- Your cell phone battery has started draining much faster than normal. How could you solve this problem?
Social Media
General rules to follow:
1. Do not Facebook, Twitter, or IG “friend” your students
2. Consider changing your last name once you begin teaching
3. Consider creating a new account on Facebook/IG/Social Media for online contact with students
4. Make sure your stuff is private. Make VERY sure. Go and view it as someone else and as the general public to make certain
Locking down your presence on the web can be tough, but now is the time to do it. Google, Twitter, Tik Tok, IG, Vine, Tumbler, etc need to all be examined.