I am super excited to announce that I have signed a publishing contract with Globe Pequot to create a visual travel guide for the state of Georgia. The book will highlight my photographs from all over the state, as well as my recommendations for places to explore, eat, and visit. Expected publication is Spring of 2020, […]
Gallery Show at Creature Comforts

Creature Comforts makes some of my favorite beer out there, so it is particularly exciting for them to host my photographs during the month of February. I have 19 pieces of work (printed directly to pieces of aluminum) on display in the brewery gallery until the beginning of March, and I am giving a talk […]
Digital Textbook is Published

After two years of research and production, my book has finally been published on the Apple iBooks Store. It is a great supplement to science and history instruction within the K-12 classroom here in Georgia, as it takes students into the parks to hear about the unique aspects of each location straight from the experts. […]
Aerial Video

I am winding down all of my visits for my state park digital textbook, and I have shot a LOT of footage all over this beautiful state. I put together a video with some of the highlights that I have embedded below. I have another version that I did for the state of Georgia that […]
Sunset in the Mountains

On the way to watch Tennessee beat Florida for the first time in 11 years (Hallelujah!) we drove up through the N. Georgia mountains into North Carolina. We were treated to a fantastic sunset just outside of Clayton, so I had to pull over and capture the moment. I love the beach, but I LOVE […]
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Sunset Over Foggy Mountains

There is nothing like the Appalachians after a heavy rain. The fog rises slowly from the numerous valleys, clinging to the trees and the tops of the mountains. On this particular day, the clouds thinned enough to let the setting sun illuminate the sky, creating an exceptional opportunity.
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Cows Under a Stormy Sky

I have taken quite a few photos in the mountains over the years, and you will see cows in a lot of them. Our cabin overlooks a lot of pastureland with grazing cattle, so they are the unwilling subjects of many shots. This is one of them.
Young Black Bear

We have a cabin in the N. Georgia mountains, and over the years we have seen several bears in the area. None of them were as “friendly” as this guy, and he came to our property one afternoon and had no interest in leaving. He climbed a tree, walked around in the woods, and then […]
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Rainy Day in the Mountains

One nice thing about the mountains is that they are beautiful ALL of the time, regardless of the season or the weather. For instance, after a heavy thunderstorm in the summer, fog can be seen rising up from the many peaks and valleys of the Appalachians. It is beautiful and serene.
Old Tractor

Old machinery can be very photogenic, due to the weathering and wear from years or decades of service. This old tractor was sitting in a field about 1/2 a mile away from me, but drone photography allows for a freedom that has never before been realized among the photographic world.