If you have been following my Instagram, you’ll notice that I have uploaded a ton of new pics, but I haven’t been on here in a bit. I guess because Instagram is, as it’s name indicates, relatively instant. This takes a bit more thought and my thoughts have mostly been consumed with some work related […]

One nice thing about aerial photography is that you are afforded a tremendous amount of flexibility to compose your shots. Driving back from Milledgeville with the sun on its way down, I passed by this cotton field with row upon row of undisturbed green. It was interesting to the eye, so I pulled over and had […]
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Been a while since my last post, mostly because I spent a week over in Berlin doing some great things with Apple. I was fortunate enough to be selected to attend the Apple Distinguished Educator International Institute, and it was spectacular. I learned a lot, connected with people from all over the world, and spent some […]
Barred Owl

I have had the chance to travel to many state parks in Georgia, and this shot of a Barred Owl at Amicalola Falls State Park is one of my favorites. The Barred Owl is found throughout the United States and can be identified by its distinctive call, which sounds a lot like “who-cooks-for-you.”
Chase Street Water Tower

This is one of my favorite shots from Athens…the rising sun reflected off of the side of the tower which created some really interesting light.

We had a lot of thunderstorms yesterday and after they cleared the area, the sun came out. I was able to get an interesting shot of a microburst off in the distance, with the sun illuminating the rain and some of the clouds. Mother Nature is truly dramatic.
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Sunset Over Foggy Mountains

There is nothing like the Appalachians after a heavy rain. The fog rises slowly from the numerous valleys, clinging to the trees and the tops of the mountains. On this particular day, the clouds thinned enough to let the setting sun illuminate the sky, creating an exceptional opportunity.
Baby Alligators on a Log

I’m fortunate that my current digital textbook project is taking me to some of the most beautiful areas of Georgia. I am in the process of visiting many of the state parks, and while there I am able to spend a lot of time with the interpretive rangers, often getting some behind-the-scenes tours. Michael Ellis […]
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Cows Under a Stormy Sky

I have taken quite a few photos in the mountains over the years, and you will see cows in a lot of them. Our cabin overlooks a lot of pastureland with grazing cattle, so they are the unwilling subjects of many shots. This is one of them.
Young Black Bear

We have a cabin in the N. Georgia mountains, and over the years we have seen several bears in the area. None of them were as “friendly” as this guy, and he came to our property one afternoon and had no interest in leaving. He climbed a tree, walked around in the woods, and then […]