I am super excited to announce that I have signed a publishing contract with Globe Pequot to create a visual travel guide for the state of Georgia. The book will highlight my photographs from all over the state, as well as my recommendations for places to explore, eat, and visit. Expected publication is Spring of 2020, […]
State Parks
Back to School

Welcome to the fall semester everyone! Yes, it’s been a while since my last post and there is a lot that’s happened since my gallery show last spring. I have a bit of professional and personal information to update you with, so let’s start with a new project I’m working on at GCSU. Virtual Reality […]
Digital Textbook is Published

After two years of research and production, my book has finally been published on the Apple iBooks Store. It is a great supplement to science and history instruction within the K-12 classroom here in Georgia, as it takes students into the parks to hear about the unique aspects of each location straight from the experts. […]
Book presentation

A few weeks ago I presented my digital textbook to the Georgia DNR Board of Directors up in Atlanta. It was very well-received and they will do a press release once it is available on the Apple Bookstore, which should be in the coming weeks. It has been a long time coming, but the final […]
Aerial Video

I am winding down all of my visits for my state park digital textbook, and I have shot a LOT of footage all over this beautiful state. I put together a video with some of the highlights that I have embedded below. I have another version that I did for the state of Georgia that […]
Barred Owl

I have had the chance to travel to many state parks in Georgia, and this shot of a Barred Owl at Amicalola Falls State Park is one of my favorites. The Barred Owl is found throughout the United States and can be identified by its distinctive call, which sounds a lot like “who-cooks-for-you.”
Baby Alligators on a Log

I’m fortunate that my current digital textbook project is taking me to some of the most beautiful areas of Georgia. I am in the process of visiting many of the state parks, and while there I am able to spend a lot of time with the interpretive rangers, often getting some behind-the-scenes tours. Michael Ellis […]