Welcome back students! I hope you all had a nice, relaxing break and are ready to learn a lot about technology in education. All of the course information can be found on the Technology page of this website. If you enjoy the outdoors or photography, then feel free to follow my Instagram which features landscape photography […]
Author: cgreer00
Book Publishing Deal

I am super excited to announce that I have signed a publishing contract with Globe Pequot to create a visual travel guide for the state of Georgia. The book will highlight my photographs from all over the state, as well as my recommendations for places to explore, eat, and visit. Expected publication is Spring of 2020, […]
GaETC 2018

Hello GaETC attendees, thanks for coming to my session! Feel free to poke around the website a bit, but if you are looking for the presentation from today, this is where you need to be. I have also listed out some helpful links for you all to access the various resources I talked about during […]
Back to School

Welcome to the fall semester everyone! Yes, it’s been a while since my last post and there is a lot that’s happened since my gallery show last spring. I have a bit of professional and personal information to update you with, so let’s start with a new project I’m working on at GCSU. Virtual Reality […]
Gallery Show at Creature Comforts

Creature Comforts makes some of my favorite beer out there, so it is particularly exciting for them to host my photographs during the month of February. I have 19 pieces of work (printed directly to pieces of aluminum) on display in the brewery gallery until the beginning of March, and I am giving a talk […]

I just returned from Ireland where I presented at the international MITE conference as well as delivered a workshop with a fellow Apple ADE. Ireland is a spectacularly beautiful country, even though the weather in January is mostly cold and rainy. I rented a car for my five days there (driving on the left is a […]
Recent Presentations

I have made a few presentations lately and wanted to link them here on the main page so they can easily be found by those that attended the session. For the Governor’s Teaching Fellows at UGA, you can access my Nearpod presentation using this link. For those that attended the CMLA Summit at Georgia College, […]
Digital Textbook is Published

After two years of research and production, my book has finally been published on the Apple iBooks Store. It is a great supplement to science and history instruction within the K-12 classroom here in Georgia, as it takes students into the parks to hear about the unique aspects of each location straight from the experts. […]
Fall Semester

The summer went by way too fast, but that’s pretty typical for anyone in education. I have been remiss in keeping this site update, but in my defense I was not home much over the summer and things have been very busy! I received my promotion to full professor back in May and then went […]
Savannah Sunrise

I was down in Savannah at the beginning of April and woke up in time to grab this shot of the sun coming up over the ocean, located about 15 miles from downtown Savannah. What a fantastic city, full of history, culture, art, and plenty of beauty. Seeing it from the air provided a different […]