Old machinery can be very photogenic, due to the weathering and wear from years or decades of service. This old tractor was sitting in a field about 1/2 a mile away from me, but drone photography allows for a freedom that has never before been realized among the photographic world.
Author: cgreer00
Downtown Athens Sunset

Downtown Athens, GA is a gem in the South. A hotbed of music and culture, it attracts creatives from all over the world. On this hot summer day I took several bracketed exposures, but this one turned out the best. Auto Exposure Bracketed 5 images to create this.

I have had websites off and on over the past 15 years, but I haven’t had much of a presence over the past decade with the exception of my personal site that is shared with my undergraduate and graduate students. It is a bit long in the tooth, still contains Flash elements, and the design […]