3220 Spring 2025

Welcome to EDIT 3220, a class devoted to providing ideas and training on how to use technology in the K-12 classroom. You might want to bookmark this page, as it will be continuously updated with new information on assignments, as well as technology, throughout the semester. The course will be paperless so all content that […]

EDIT 3220 Spring ’25

Welcome to EDIT 3220, a class devoted to providing ideas and training on how to use technology in the K-12 classroom. You might want to bookmark this page, as it will be continuously updated with new information on assignments, as well as technology, throughout the semester. The course will be paperless so all content that […]

GaETC Virtual Reality Georgia

Thanks a lot to everyone who came out to our presentation on the Virtual Reality Youtube Channel that we have created for educators and the general public here in the state of Georgia. Feel free to click the link below to subscribe so you will be notified every time a new video is added. We […]

Photographing President Carter

This past weekend I had the privilege to photograph President Carter for my upcoming book. It was one of the most profound experiences of my life, as this incredible man exudes the love, compassion, grace, humility, and intellect that every human being should aspire to. Here is one of the photos that I took, and […]

Fall Semester

Welcome back to campus students, and welcome to technology class as well! We have a lot to cover this semester and I think all of you will enjoy learning about a wide range of exciting technologies that you can begin using in your classrooms immediately. Feel free to take a look around this website and […]