Hard to believe my sabbatical is coming to an end and the spring semester is about to begin. It was a very rewarding break from my usual responsibilities as a professor, and it allowed me to really connect with something I am passionate about: multimedia. I took thousands of photos, shot hours of video, and […]
Aerial Photography
Sunset in the Mountains

On the way to watch Tennessee beat Florida for the first time in 11 years (Hallelujah!) we drove up through the N. Georgia mountains into North Carolina. We were treated to a fantastic sunset just outside of Clayton, so I had to pull over and capture the moment. I love the beach, but I LOVE […]
It’s Been a While

If you have been following my Instagram, you’ll notice that I have uploaded a ton of new pics, but I haven’t been on here in a bit. I guess because Instagram is, as it’s name indicates, relatively instant. This takes a bit more thought and my thoughts have mostly been consumed with some work related […]

One nice thing about aerial photography is that you are afforded a tremendous amount of flexibility to compose your shots. Driving back from Milledgeville with the sun on its way down, I passed by this cotton field with row upon row of undisturbed green. It was interesting to the eye, so I pulled over and had […]
Chase Street Water Tower

This is one of my favorite shots from Athens…the rising sun reflected off of the side of the tower which created some really interesting light.

We had a lot of thunderstorms yesterday and after they cleared the area, the sun came out. I was able to get an interesting shot of a microburst off in the distance, with the sun illuminating the rain and some of the clouds. Mother Nature is truly dramatic.
Sunrise in Downtown Athens, GA

I got a lot of nice shots this morning that you will see on here over the coming weeks. The sun rose perfectly through some clouds, and Athens was still asleep which created some empty streets and an interesting setting. As you can see from the shot, downtown sits up on a hill, so the […]
Old Tractor

Old machinery can be very photogenic, due to the weathering and wear from years or decades of service. This old tractor was sitting in a field about 1/2 a mile away from me, but drone photography allows for a freedom that has never before been realized among the photographic world.
Downtown Athens Sunset

Downtown Athens, GA is a gem in the South. A hotbed of music and culture, it attracts creatives from all over the world. On this hot summer day I took several bracketed exposures, but this one turned out the best. Auto Exposure Bracketed 5 images to create this.

I have had websites off and on over the past 15 years, but I haven’t had much of a presence over the past decade with the exception of my personal site that is shared with my undergraduate and graduate students. It is a bit long in the tooth, still contains Flash elements, and the design […]